BLOGPAWS2011 AdoptedMomToChazz Speaks Out – Pt. 3

Hey Everybody, you might be looking for the details on the upcoming GiveAway…and they’re coming. But I want to finish telling you about BLOGPAWS2011. This was a really good conference. Let’s skip over to Friday Night (and I will go back for the education sessions and workshops.) Friday night the attendees of BLOGPAWS were treated to the ‘first press screening in the country for Disney’s Spooky Buddies” movie. Popcorn & Sodas to our hearts content; awaited us as we assembled and took our seats. Now this was unlike any movie I ever went to before; a much tougher crowd was on hand than usual – yep the 4-Paw kind. I have to tell you anytime there was some loud action on the big-screen, the dogs returned it with barking of their own. And immediately following that –  the ‘hooman’ audience was cracking up with laughter. I have to say it was all quite enjoyable.

The Buddies consist of these 5 characters: (L-R) Mudbud, Budderball, B-Dawg, Buddha, and Rosebud

Together they team up once more and save the day in a Halloween story, sure to become a favorite for you & your young children. Just to whet your appetite here are a few stills from the production:

Don’t worry, these little girl & guys will melt your heart for sure!      The Buddies cooking up a plan to save the day!

Following the screening, there was a fun Q&A with Director Robert Vince, a drawing for an oversized Buddy Dog Stuffed Animal Toy, and a photo op with one of the animal stars of the film.

AdoptedMom’s Movie Review*: As I said to one of the Disney representatives/publicists,  who found me out in the lobby following the screening: ‘  Having no young children, I would not normally go to see any of  the pictures from this franchise –   so this movie was a surprise – Both entertaining and cute as a button.’ The story was fun loaded with heroes and villans, a doggie in distress that needed rescuing, and in a small town the struggle and ultimate triumph of good over evil .  Plus who can argue with a soundtrack that includes that classic novelty hit, Monster Mash, and a good, if not goofy character who goes by the name of FrankenDude!

Come on guys, buy this one for your kids when it come out on Blu-Ray. I guarantee they will want to watch it year after year. Psst, you might even sit down alone and watch it – ya know, just for fun.

*Attribution:  This review is my own personal thoughts and feelings about the movie. No person or entity influenced my views.

About adoptedmom

Adopted Dog Mommy having an adventure with her new buddy, pal, fur-baby, Chazz the Terrier Shibu Ina mix.

Posted on September 12, 2011, in Adopted Mom To Chazz, BlogPaws Conference 2011, GiveAways & Contest, Social Networking. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Seeing the movie with dogs made it for me. I think most movies would be measurably better if I could attend them with my dog.

    Nice review!

  2. Pamela, thanx for coming to my blog and the kind words about the review. I think that movie night was so much fun too!

  3. I think you’re on to something here… going to the movies would be so much more fun if I coul dbring my pup along. 🙂

    • Pup Fan, thanx for leaving a comment on my blog.-…I appreciate it! The dogs attending the screening of Spooky Buddies were better well behaved than a lot of hooman patrons I’ve been in a theater with…that’s for sure. LOL

  4. I’ve been enjoying your BlogPaws posts! I love animated movies like Cars, The Little Mermaid, Shrek etc but for me, the saving grace of this movie was the audience. It was fun to listen to them bark from time to time…

    My cats were nodding off in their stroller but that’s cuz no stars meowed, hahameow!

  5. Thanks, it’s taken me soooooo long to get them online I figured everyone would ask, why I’m living/reporting on the past. But, getting back in the swing of things can be challenging. And frankly I just wanted to hand out with my dog Chazz for a bit.

    I appreciate you taking the time to read & leave comments at my blog. I have to do better at that personally.

    Anywhoodle, smoochies to the kitties—–

    Adopted Mom

  6. I will be getting this blu ray for Brandon for sure. I’m a huge Hallowwen fan and Brandon will love the dogs. Good review!

    • K. This was really adorable & I thoroughly enjoyed it. When the soundtrack included, “The Monster Mash” song I was hooked line & sinker. Plz invite me over to watch it with you & B when you get it………………

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